Thursday, September 29, 2011


I want to update you on some things I am working on.  I have been so busy. I don't have time to post right now, but will soon. Just wanted to let you know, 'I am still here, just busy'.  Busy can be a good thing. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I made some yummy Goats Milk Soap.  I tried some new molds. Let me tell you...I have about six pounds of funny looking soap. My husband said I could call it "Rustic Goats Milk Soap." I don't think so.  I put the rest in my regular molds and they turned out beautiful.  I think I will 'hand mill' the other six pounds. 

Did you know, Goats Milk is great for your skin?  It helps to keep that youthful appearance.  It helps with all sorts of skin ailments.  It's ph is a near match to human skin. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals.  The protein found in goats milk helps to nourish the skin.  Glycerin is naturally occurring  in goat milk soap, so it is extra moisturizing!  Who doesn't like that. I made mine unscented, however I might add some lavender essential oil to the next batch.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Imagine my surprise when I went on and found that my soap was showcased!  Yep! You can see for yourself at

This soap is made with Shea Butter and other quality oils. There is nothing artificial about this body bar. It is moisturizing and has great bubbly lather. It is scented with Geranium Rose and a hint of Orange Citrus. Geranium Rose essential oil has a sweet floral scent with a distinct richness that is quite enjoyable.
You will feel spoiled with the richness of this wonderful bar. Currently, this is a 3.5oz bar.  I will begin making this a 4.5 oz bar.

Lavender, Rosemary Soap

These are a couple of my Lavender, Rosemary soaps. I straight cut them most of the time. Some people prefer the wavy cut. This a very nice soap. It produces plenty of lather.  My husband uses it as a shampoo bar. If you decide to use it on your hair, I recommend an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse.  Just put a small amount of the Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass and add warm water.  Pour over your hair and work through. Give it a good rinse.  You will feel a difference and even notice a difference in a matter of days. 

Monday, September 19, 2011


 These are some of the Christmas soaps I have been working on..They almost look good enough to eat.  Dad made the mistake of saying they look tasty. Now, I am having a hard time keeping them away from my three year old.

The soaps are pleasantly scented with the smells of Christmas.  These are not natural soaps. They contain mica coloring and fragrance.  

I will be taking special orders for these soaps. Just shoot me an email by going to my profile. The Gingerbread men are 3.5 oz bars.  They are great for gift giving!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I would like to thank the ladies that participated in the soap give-away. I am sure you will enjoy all the benefits of 'real' soap. 
This soap is a real gem..

Green French Clay has so many cleansing benefits for the body. If you have rebellious skin, as many teens do, you might like to add this bar to your daily wash routine. It is a body bar or can be used on your face alone. The choice is yours. You also get the benefits of rosemary essential oil and cedarwood essential oil.

This is a 3.5 oz. bar (almost 4 oz)

Soaps available in stores today are not really soaps at all, but detergents. Detergents are petroleum-based products that tend to leave your skin feeling dry, itchy and tight.
Handmade soaps are made with natural ingredients instead of detergents which may cause irritation. Coconut, olive, and palm oils and other oils are carefully blended to create a skin smoothing soap that cleanses the skin without drying it out. Glycerin soap is believed to help replenish the skin and add moisture where other conventional soaps, such as some commercial brands, may have been stripped. In handmade soap, however, the glycerin is not usually removed.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

***Gingerbread men***

I am making Gingerbread Men soap for Christmas. I will have Christmas Tree soap and Sleigh soap, also.  I will have Snowmen soap that are fitting throughout  winter.   I will upload photos of some of my Christmas Soaps when they are ready.  These are not all natural soaps. They have fragrance and mica coloring in them.  These are specialty soaps.  They will be available for a limited time, beginning in November. They make great gifts.  They look quite festive in the bathroom or kitchen. Tis the Season...soon!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Get a free sample of soap. I am sending out 10 guest bar soaps to the first 10 responders. Click my profile and shoot me and email!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Essential Oils

Some of you have been asking about Essential Oils.  Essential Oils are wonderful. They add many benefits to your products, when used rightly. However, you need to know something about using these oils safely.
An essential oil is the end product, of a chemical process, using plant material.  You end up with a very potent, botanical fragrance. We call that an essential oil. It is a pure oil that is extremely concentrated.  Caution must be exercised when using essential oils. When you work with EO,  make sure you are in a well ventilated area.  They should ALWAYS be accompanied with a carrier oil, such as olive oil.  Never use full strength on the skin, to do so can cause adverse side effects. Keep out of reach of children. Although some essential oils can be ingested, some are very toxic. To learn more,  you should speak to an herbalist or to someone who understands the uses of essential oils. There are also many books available.
Essential oils are used in aromatherapy. They have a unique effect on the body.
I use mostly essential oils in my products. Sometimes I use fragrance oils.  My products are labeled for your preference.  Fragrance oils are not the same as essential oils. They are synthetic. Some people like them for their many uses. Some people don't.  I want to encourage you to educate yourself in the benefits of using essential oils 
Amazon does carry a variety of essential oils. I  like the NOW brand.

Changed Comment Settings

Some of you continue to ask me about posting a comment. I was able to fix this problem. Please, feel free to add a comment relevant to the content of this blog. I look forward to hearing from you!

Monday, September 12, 2011

What Is Lurking In Your Favorite Bath Products?

Have you ever stopped to think, "What is in my favorite shampoo." Have you ever investigated some of those long names in the ingredient list? Most folks trust that what they are getting is safe. Some folks, you can educate, and they may make some changes. But lets be honest, most people only read what the product will do for them. I want to talk about one ingredient that is commonly found in personal products.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a pesticide. It has been registered with the Govt., as a pesticide.  It is used to fight flees and ticks.  It is used as a foaming agent. It can be found in some foods, toothpaste, shampoos, soaps and many more products. The ingredient, Sodium Laureth, Sulfate is closely related to SLS. These chemicals have been known to be potential carcinogens. I read one study that suggested that the effects of SLS  on the liver were particularly troubling. The liver is unable to breakdown and properly process these chemicals.  The skin is the largest organ of the body. It is sucking in everything you put on it.  The last thing you want to do to your body is burden it with toxic waste. You can find products that do not use these chemicals. I have shampoo bars that are made of quality products. Coconut oil, Castor oil,  and essential oils. These oils produce a nice lather. Please, read, and educate yourself and your family.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Who wants dirty counter tops? Not me! I clean my counter tops multiple times a day. When you have kids, it seems like an endless task.  You don't have to spend a lot of money on cleaners. You can make your own!
You will need the following:
1 Spray Bottle
Rubbing Alcohol 99%
Essential Oil  (I like Orange Citrus)
1 squirt dish soap

Mix 2 parts Rubbing Alcohol and 2 parts water (I use purified water or distilled)
add your dish soap
10 to 20 drops of Essential oil

You now have a product that is safe to use and will kill germs.

Friday, September 9, 2011

marketing your products

Marketing is a biggie if you want to sell your products.  You put a lot of thought and hard work into your creations, market them.  Get the word out.  Read all you can.  Talk, talk and talk about your products. If you love your products, others will. There is a lot of "How to Market" material out there.  One book that I found very helpful was "Handmade Marketplace".  It is packed full of information. It has information about  local craft shows to advertising online. I highly recommend this book.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

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The FDA is asking Brazilian Blowout to reduce the level of formaldehyde from its products and change its misleading labels and advertising, which state that the products are formaldehyde-free.

The FDA conducted their own sample analysis of the product, and found dangerously high levels of the liquid form of formaldehyde, ranging from 8.7 percent to 10.4 percent. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires an occupational hazard alert at levels higher than 0.1 percent.

Formaldehyde, commonly found in a number of "Brazilian style" keratin-based hair straighteners, is extremely dangerous and a known carcinogen, the FDA said.

The FDA reported that salon workers and consumers have already reported a number of injuries to the FDA, including eye disorders, nervous system disorders, respiratory tract problems, chest pain, vomiting and rash.

Read more:


This simply delicious body scrub is easy to make.
You will need the following:

2/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/3 cup sweet almond oil
1/2 tsp vit E oil
45 to 50 drops of essential oil or fragrance oil

Mix all the oils together in a glass bowl.
Add the brown sugar to the oils and mix well.

yields: about 5 oz.

Rub some of the delicious scrub onto your body to gently exfoliate the skin. Rinse well. Your skin will be left soft and radiant.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


kids are having a blast. i have been able to sell some soap to the gift shop. i am using my cell for this update. the capital letters won't work. bummer.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


The family and I are going on a little camping trip. The weather is suppose to be beautiful. When I get back, I would like to talk about "Beauty Monsters". Did you know, you have things lurking around your house that can make you sick. Stay tuned for more information!
Picture of us camping when the oldest two were babies.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I have a goal I would like to accomplish before the end of the year. I would like to get my beauty products listed on Amazon. Amazon is one of my favorite ways of shopping. When I need something it is the first place I look and I usually find it at a great price. Millions of people shop Amazon each day and I would like to be a part of the experience. I say "Go for it".
These are some of my guest soaps.


Certainly I am not the only one new to blogging. I spent a few hours last night navigating my way through Google. There is so much information on the Internet to help you in your journey. I moved a few things around on my blog to try to get a more organized look. I also added a profile picture. That's a start. My advice is to keep plugging along and don't quit. If something doesn't work try something else.
I started out thinking this blog would be all about my soap-making business but it seems to be going in different directions. I suppose that is okay since it is my blog. I am considering starting a weight loss blog. I have plenty of material for that. Ha Ha. Or maybe "The Chronicles of Parenthood" I have plenty of material for that as well.
I do have Four Daughters. One by birth, one step-daughter through a second marriage and two adopted. I love them all. I was thinking of them when I titled my business. The one thing they all have in common is that they are all females.  They are vastly different from one another. That is how bath products are, namely soap.. All natural. Some are bold. Some are sweet. Some are even fruity. That's how the girls are. Each one is unique and has her own specialness about her. Their direction in life is vastly different from each other. One is enjoying motherhood and the pursuit of self-employment, She is finding fulfilment in life in general. Another has just entered  the medical field as a young doctor. The two little ones have years to go.  You can already see their lives taking shape in things that they find interesting.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Motorhome is the only way to travel

For me, our motor home is the only way to go. I feel like Lucile Ball in the "Long, Long trailer". You can go where you want (with some restrictions). Stop where you want. You have everything with you. There are some downsides to it, like parking garages. We plan to take our motor home this fall to several craft shows. When the children get cranky..hey, nap time. It's great. We have traveled out west several times and there is nothing like being under the stars, away from the competing city lights. High on a mountain top. Maybe I should hook up with a craft show out west!


Wow! I can't believe I just posted on my blog and it disappeared??
Let's try this again. I have had such a time with my computer. I had a lot of "Window updates" so one night I decided to install all of them, never again. It did a number on my computer and now I have to take it to the get a fix.
Anyway, I have not been on here for quite awhile. The main reason is "Intimidation". I just don't get this whole blog thing yet. Another reason is raising children..they sure require a lot of attention. We started homeschooling again and the kids are loving it. I am using "SonLight" curriculum. It does require a bit of preparation for each class but it has been rewarding for all of us. Dad has jumped on board this year. He is doing History, Bible and Reading. I am doing everything else including changing diapers!
Fall is on the boarder and I am excited about all the new and upcoming events. I have decided to take the plunge into the craft arena. I have purchased some festive soap molds and some yummy scents to try out. Needless to say I will be busy for the next few weeks..making soaps, balms, salves, scrubs and whatever else suits my fancy.
Speaking of fall, it is a beautiful time of the year in this part of the country. I have always loved the fall even as a child. One thing I enjoy about fall is driving down a desolate road. There is a slight breeze and my window is down. The leaves scatter crisply across the road as my headlights shine on the falling's a visual, hearing, feelly thing I suppose. Kind of eerie.